These paintings make up a series of works that seem to relate to C.G. Jung's concept of individuation. In essence, individuation is the process of becoming who you are meant to be and is a lifelong endeavor. Although the particulars of this journey are unique, archetypal images form a foundation for them and are the structures upon which individual experience is built. And because of their relation to this archetypal background, the prominent features of the journey have historical parallels and related myths that aid in the understanding of where you are in the process and what that might mean in your life. After I complete a painting, I turn to Jung and his students, especially Marie-Louise von Franz and Edward Edinger, to try and understand the symbolic meaning of the image and to search for historical parallels. The journey begins with Inner Truth, continues with Lake of My Home, Peace, Hidden Beauty, and so on.
Daimon |
Woman and Her Animus |
The Source |
Blue Sophia |
Via Lattae |